Body By O Angel Spotlight - Edel Keenehan
Athlete Spotlight - Body By O Angel
NQ Bikini Athlete Edel Keenehan
Name: Edel Keenehan
Division/Status: National NPC Bikini Competitor
Height/Competition: 5'4.5" Age: 28
Bio: I was born and raised in Ireland. I left Ireland in 2010 when I graduated from college. In college, I studied physical education which qualified me as a high school physical education and geography teacher. In August of 2010, I accepted a job offer to teach in an international school in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. I spent 4 years in the Middle East teaching. While there most of my spare time was spent in the gym working out. I loved resistance training and how it made me feel and look. In April 2014 after returning from a vacation to Thailand- I decided I wanted to compete. I was unhappy with how I looked on my vacation pictures and needed something to work towards - so I picked a show date and got to work! I moved to the states the summer of 2014, I met Kim Oddo in February of 2015 and it was from then that my competitive career really took off!!! Contest results/Career Highlights:- -July 2014 NPC Musclecontest - 3rd place
- -IFBB affiliated Fitex (completion in Ireland ), 1st in category and overall winner
- -RIBBF Nationals (Ireland) - 3rd place
- -April 2015 NPC Musclecontest Grand Prix - 1st Place
- May 2015 Governors Cup Sacramento - 4th place
- February 2016 NPC Musclecontest Gold Coast classic - 1st place and Overall winner
- March 2016 Arnold Classic (Amateur) - 7th place
- September 2016 Arnold Europe (Amateur) - 15th
- February 2017 NPC Musclecontest Gold Coast classic - 1st place and Overall winner
- March 2017 Arnold Classic (Amateur) - 2nd place