Sabrina Taylor Wins 2013 Titans Grand Prix Pro Women's Physique

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Congrats to our amazing IFBB Pro Women's Physique Angels who competed this weekend at Jon Lindsays 2013 Titan Grand Prix in SoCal! Our Angels did an incredible job with SABRINA TAYLOR winning the show!  ANNE MARIE LASSERRE won the 2nd Place Trophy! CANDREA JUDD-ADAMS placed 6th & TAMEE MARIE placed 12th! Excellent work as always ladies! So proud of each of you!

. Photos & Results courtesy of 2013 TITANS GRAND PRIX WOMEN'S PHYSIQUE PRO RESULTS 1. Sabrina Taylor *** TEAM ODDO'S ANGELS 2. Anne Marie Lasserre *** TEAM ODDO'S ANGELS 3. Nathalie Falk 4. Mindi O'Brien 6. Candrea Judd-Adams *** TEAM ODDO'S ANGELS 7. Paula Frega 8. Joni Neilson 9. Nita Marquez 10. Valentina Chepiga 11. Nuria Novoa 12. Tamee Marie *** TEAM ODDO'S ANGELS 13. Myriam Bustamante 14. Cinzia Clapp 15. Laura Davies 16. Elizabeth Schneider 16. Karen Gatto 16. Rhonda Lee Quaresma

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