NAME: Linda L. Aubin-Cvik
FAV CHEAT MEAL: Starbuck non fat caramel macchiato coffee with a cookie by George/chocolate almond white chocolate one…oh my god!!!!
WHAT GOT YOU INTO THE WORLD OF COMPETITION? : Played college volleyball, and injured my left knee, had surgery and gain 30 lbs. I was not happy with the weight gain and a high school friend of mine ( Nic Nicolet) bugged me to join him at the gym and I refused many time to meet up with him, he bugged me so much that I finally gave in, and history was made…lol
WHAT KEEPS YOU GOING DURING A 12 WEEK PREP: I am turning 48 years old this year, and have been in the bodybuilding, competition world for 28 years. I have a story to share with other women that age does not really matter, that if you start working out no matter what age you are, the out come will be very gratified. I love the way I feel, look and when I get ready for any contest, I feel very strong, focus. Being a mother of 4 daughters and 2 grandsons, it is them who keeps me going and my hubby of course, because we are a very small market who does compete after having children. So back to the question, really the end results…tight body, feeling amazing and grateful for working towards my goal.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT COMPETITION: Being on Stage…oh my god! I just love being on stage and present myself and having fun, if you are on stage and saying to yourself “ what am I doing here” than you know that competition is not for you. You are competing against yourself and I have a lot of FUN!
IF YOU COULD SNAP YOUR FINGERS AND MAKE ONE BODY PART INSTANTLY PERFECT WHAT WOULD THAT BE?: my Shoulders, they have been my challenge for many years, hopefully with Kim Oddo’s coaching, my shoulders will look amazing…so we will see…J
WHEN YOUR STANDING ON STAGE, WAITING FOR THE FIRST CALL OUT TO BE CALLED, WHAT THOUGHTS ARE RUNNING THROUGH YOUR MIND?: That I am honored to be on stage, I made it and what an honor to be on stage with other great ladies.