Coach Kim Oddo Breaks Down Suit Selection For Bikini Competition
Body By O Coach Kim Oddo breaks down proper suit selection for NPC and IFBB Pro League bikini competition. Follow Kimbo with IFBB Bikini Pro Skylar Lanier on how to choose the best suit for your physique.
1) Colors– Darker colors are best. Pastel colors tend to appear to enlarge things, but tend to work for smaller girls. Choose the best color that compliments your hair and skin tone.
2) Cut– Choose your connectors wisely, between a single or double. If you want to draw attention to your waistline you can go larger. For the back of the suit, you want to choose what is referred to as an arrow head form. The dip in the center at the top of the suit draws the eye line in on the small of the back. The glute cut should be rounded so it rounds the top of the glute. When you see a straight cut across the top it tends to widen the waist. You also want to use the right size material as too much will create a diaper effect covering too much which will widen the hips.
3) Top– Triangle tops are best. Consider the size of the cut on the top so that there isnt too much material which will make you appear to be wider. That will square you out and take away from your taper.