Figure vs. Bikini | Transformation IFBB Pro Erin Stern

Figure vs. Bikini | Transformation IFBB Pro Erin Stern

"Figure vs. Bikini

Don’t underestimate what your body is capable of!
Yes, change takes time…but it’s totally worth it.

Then vs. Now
When I did figure, I was self-coached and often went to shows alone. At the time, I was running from my past and running from my fears. I had a lot to prove. I was trying to escape an abusive relationship that almost took my life, along with battling eating disorders. Competing was my way out - and it saved my life.

Now, I am running towards my goals. I have a fiancé who I love, a healthy relationship with food, and am in a good place with everything in my life. I have an amazing coach, @bodybyo, and great friends. While the motivation to be successful has changed, the goal itself is still the same - to work at being my best on stage! I also want to show what is possible, and hopefully get more people to step on stage. It’s one of the most rewarding pastimes you can ever pursue.

I would not be here today if it wasn’t for my mentors, @tgflex and @aroundthenpc_jm. I’m grateful to be back in the @ifbb_pro_league - the best bodybuilding federation in the world. I’m also very thankful for the judges’ feedback and for their time. They stay long after the show is over to help competitors get better.

I never would have thought that I’d be back on stage again - and never would have thought that I’d be training for the biggest show in the world again, @mrolympiallc. I got a second chance, and believe me, I will make the most of it and cherish every minute of it!

35 days until the Bikini Olympia!!!
Let’s beat the girl in the pic on the right!! ❤️"


  • Dear admin, Your posts are always interesting.

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